curated by Joseph Pattisall, Joe Gross, Jeff Krulik | USA | 2023 | 90’ | OV
Over 20 years ago, on 4 November 2002, »Fugazi«, the influential post-hardcore band from Washington, D.C., spearhead of self-organised underground music from the mid-1980s and figurehead of the US straight-edge movement, performed live on stage for the last time (at The Forum in London). This film consists of fan-recorded performances and rare archive footage of Fugazi, compiled by Joe Gross, Joseph Pattisall and Jeff Krulik, as well as interviews with those who made the concert recordings as fans at the time. Expressly conceived as a non-documentary film (dIESiSTkEINfUGAZIdOKUMENTARfILM), this film aims to pay tribute to the band as a live act. Old fans can remember, a new generation can discover what they have missed. The very special use of this archive footage of private individuals celebrates the fans and their cameras and, of course, the band itself – a complicit reaction to the equally rousing and ephemeral events on and off various stages and their banishment to video. Jeff Krulik, a film and television maker specialising in pop culture reception, is the director of HEAVY METAL PARKING LOT (1986), one of the best films about fans of all time! Joseph Pattisall, a native of Washington, D.C., directed THE LEGEND OF COOL »DISCO« DAN (2013) about Washington graffiti artist Dan Hogg. Joe Gross, a native of Washington, D.C., is a journalist (including for the Austin Chronicle) and music historian. (But formal idea: MacKaye, who archived the recordings!).