I Hear an Eye Here – SHORTFILMS

by Anil Eraslan

When musicians reach for the camera

Anil Eraslan | Turkey, Germany | 2019-2022 | 39′ | OV (english)

Anil Eraslan is a Turkish cellist, composer and improviser. He works in various musical projects between Paris, Berlin, Strasbourg and Istanbul. His spectrum ranges from Anatolian music to experimental/noise/free music, which he mostly plays with creative like-minded people from all ladies+gentlemen countries. In addition, Eraslan is interested in photography and film. UNERHÖRT! shows a cross-section of Eraslan’s cinematic work of the last three years: experimentally arranged testimonies of his own music-making.

The program “I hear an eye here” includes five short films:

1. EPONJ – TURTLE PARADE (work in progress with light, 2022), // 5′

2. MAIS SI (a music video parody, with Fred Frith among others, 2021), // 3′


4. FISH EYE (GoPro images underwater, 2020), // 3’30

5. IF I PLAY MY EARS (short documentary of a Japan tour, 2019), // 23′