Môa, Mother Africa Roots
by Gustavo McNair
The life story of Mestre Môa do Katendê,
a capoeirista and founder of Afoxé Badauê
Gustavo McNair | Brazil | 2022 | 100′ | OmeU
Mestre Môa do Katendê is an important representative of the African-Brazilian artistic traditions in Bahia. In the 1970s, he revolutionized carnival and influenced some of Brazil’s most famous musicians. On the day of Brazil’s 2018 presidential election, he was assassinated for political intolerance and immortalized as a symbol of cultural resistance. But he was much more than that. Môa was an art educator who dreamed of bringing the original African culture to the world and fighting social inequalities.
Based on a last interview left behind, MÔA, MOTHER AFRICA ROOTS reveals the life story of the capoeirista and founder of Afoxé Badauê.